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2020년 9월 이사부호 북서태평양 1_edited.png



황점식 교수 (Jeomshik Hwang)


Tel: +82-2-880-6751


  • Ph.D in Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, 2004

  • M.S. in Oceanography, Seoul National University

  • B.S. in Oceanography, Seoul National University

   Professional Experience

  • Professor, Seoul National University, 2014-present

  • Assistant Professor, POSTECH, 2009-2013

  • Lecturer, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Boston University, 2007-2008

  • Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2005-2007

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Irvine, 2004

Lab Member


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나태희 Dr. Taehee Na

  • 해양 탄소와 생지화학적 순환 연구, The ocean carbon and biogeochemical cycling

  • Email:

  • Tel: +82-2-880-4128

  • Education: B.S./M.S./Ph.D in Oceanography, Pusan National University

2022. Large increase in dissolved inorganic carbon in the East Sea (Japan Sea) from 1999 to 2019, Frontiers in Marine Science.

2018. N2 production through denitrification and anammox across the continental margin (shelf–slope–rise) of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 63, S410-S424.


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류영진 Yeongjin Ryu, Ph.D student (박사과정)

  • 방사성탄소를 활용한 해양의 용존유기탄소 순환 연구

       Understanding dissolved organic carbon cycle in the ocean using radiocarbon

  • Email:

  • Education: B.S./M.S. in Earth and Environmental Science, Seoul National University

2023. Transport of Aged Dissolved Organic Carbon via the Surface Current Revealed by  Radiocarbon, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(22), 2023.

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오치현 Chihyun Oh, Ph.D student  (석박통합과정)

  • 지질바이오마커를 활용한 입자유기탄소 순환 연구

       Tracing the sources and fluxes of particulate organic carbon using lipid biomarkers

  • Email:

  • Education: B.S. in marine science and convergence technology, Hanyang University, 2020

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오선민 Sunmin Oh, Ph.D student (석박통합과정)

  • 방사성탄소를 활용한 남극의 생물학적 펌프와 탄소 순환 연구

       Understanding biological pump and carbon cycle in the Antarctic environments using



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최지은 Jieun Choi, Ms. student (석박통합과정)

  • 탄소 순환 연구

  • Email:

  • Education: B.S. in Oceanography, Chonnam National University, 2024

Former Lab Members

한희준 Heejun Han, Former Post.Doc 

현) 한국해양과학기술원, 선임연구원

<박사후과정 중 출판된 ​주저자 논문>

2023. Dissoved organic matter in the northwestern Pacific marginal seas: Insight into the distribution of its optical properties, 10, Fontiers in Marine Science.​

2022. Large fluxes of continental-shelf-borne dissolved organic carbon in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, Marine Chemistry, 104097.

서준형 Junhyeong Seo, Former Ph.D. student 

현) 한국해양과학기술원, 선임연구원

<학위과정 중 출판된 ​주저자 논문>

2023. Sources and Behavior of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Based on 13C, 14C, and 234Th, 257, Marine Chemistry.

2022. Insingificant effects of eddies and typhoons on the biogeochemistry of the tropical northwest Pacific Ocean, 9, Frontiers in Marine Science.

2022. Exprot of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the eddy region the trophical northwest Pacific, 9, Frontiers in Marine Science.

2022. Sources and Behavior of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Based on 13C, 14C, and 234Th, 9, Frontiers in Marine Science.


김민경  Minkyoung Kim, Former Ph.D. student

​현) 경북대학교, Assistant professor

<학위과정 중 출판된 주저자 논문>

2019. Collection of large benthic invertebrates in sediment traps in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Biogeosciences, 16, 2683-2691.

2019. Sinking particle flux and composition at three sites of different annual sea ice cover in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Journal of Marine Systems, 192, 42-50.

2017. Biogeochemical properties of sinking particles in the southwestern part of the East Sea (Japan Sea), Journal of Marine Systems, 167, 33-42.

2016. Sedimentation of particulate organic carbon on the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica, Deep-Sea Research II, 123, 135-144.

2015. Sinking particle flux in the sea ice zone of the Amundsen Shelf, Antartica, Deep-Sea Research I, 101, 110-117.

김범수 Bumsoo Kim, Former M.S. student

Now at Brown University, PostDoc.

M.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, 2016

M.S. Thesis: Distribution of dissolved inorganic radiocarbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica

<학위과정 중 출판된 주저자 논문>

2018. An investigation of gas exchange and water circulation in the Amundsen Sea based on dissolved inorganic radiocarbon, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 12,368-12,375.

Fang Ling, Former M.S. student

Now at Northwest University, Professor

M.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, 2016

M.S. Thesis: Distribution of dissolved organic radiocarbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica

<학위과정 중 출판된 주저자 논문>

2020. Removal of refractory dissolved organic carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Scientific Reports, 10:1213.

박정훈 Jeonghun Park, Former M.S. student

Now at KOEM(Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation)

M.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, 2024

M.S. Thesis: 후포퇴 사면에서 침강입자의 생지화학적 조성 및 기원

장형욱 Hyungwook Jang, MS student (석사 수료)

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